Friday, December 16, 2011


Kindayonan, Kudyapa, Celosia argentea L., Feather Coxcomb

I have seen this flower since childhood but didn't know its name until recently.  Kindayonan is wild-crafted in the Philippines.  It is an erect, simple or branched, smooth annual herb.  The flowers are erect spikes, the spiky petals are not sharp though.  It is considered anti-diarrheal, antibacterial, hypotensive; stem and leaves are astringent and anti-inflammatory.  My neighbor said it is eaten as a vegetable but she has not tried it.:p

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. 
~ Brian Tracy


Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely pictures of this unusual bloom.

Thank you for taking part in Floral Friday Fotos.

Rajesh said...

Very lovely flower.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

A very interesting looking plant. I think my mother once grew these.

Giga said...

Nie dość, że jest pięknym kwiatem to ma jeszcze właściwości lecznicze, to ciekawe. Pozdrawiam

Not only that it is a beautiful flower that is still healing, it is interesting. Yours

lotusleaf said...

This is a favourite bloom to grow in the summer in India.

Eden said...

Very pretty. Great shots.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful flower. It looks so soft and I love that shade of pink.

Photo Cache said...

i haven't tried planting celosia here. i always associate this all saints day, because it's the one we buy to put in the tomb.

Carletta said...

It's an awfully pretty herb!
Such a lovely color.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos! We have them here too...but I guess the shots make all the difference!;)

Lui said...

What gorgeous color and do tell us how it taste if ever you should try to eat it ;-)

Andrea said...

Hi Luna, that is very common with us in the province too, but in Tagalog it is 'palong manok' just a translation of the common English name cockscomb, maybe because it really looks like it. We even get the black seeds to make 'nunal'. What dialect is kindayonan? I haven't heard it.

Modern Mom said...

First time I've seen this flower. Ganda!

Okra Flowers

Chubskulit Rose said...

like those celosias because it is very easy to maintain!

Beautifully captured.

My Flower Happy holidays!

Arija said...

Beautiful to see and helpful as well. I wonder what they taste like?