Monday, April 22, 2013

Leaves of summer

The day I see a leaf is a marvel of the day. ~ Kenneth Patton


lina@home sweet home said...

Wonderfully captured.

Maria's Space said...

Lovely touch of yellow
If you are interested, my link is <a href="</a>

BLOGitse said...

Beautiful shot, nice colors, shadows...

Gerald (SK14) said...

lovely light reflections

Lola said...

Superb photography – love the transparency and fragility of the leaves!

Visiting from Monday Mellow Yellows

Ingrid said...

Very artistic picture !

Liz said...

Beautiful capture. Have a fabulous week!

Liz (yacb)

Dianne said...

the light really highlights the colors

Colors of Timeless said...

This are wonderful flowers.... have a very nice week...