Monday, April 11, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday #16: Zoobic train

@ mirandablue
This was our ride going around Zoobic Safari in Subic Freeport Zone.


Barbara Rosenzweig said...

This looks super and fun to ride!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful train for the ride.

Marie said...

LOL! Hop on board the "Tiger Train" please ;-)

Dinah said...

ang cute! i need to go there with the kids ;-)

Fashion Momma said...

Super cool!

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Lina Gustina said...

I want to ride that :)
Have a great week too...

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Cool! ganda sa mata, sure na mae-engganyo ang mga bata and child alike :)) to ride.

Dhemz said...

wow! how cute...very inviting naman tong ride na ito...great shot Luna...thanks for dropping by my MYM.

Forty Pound Sack said...

how fun is that!

Ika said...

Very cool photo, perfect shot för MYM! Have a nice day!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Looks like a toy-train! Di nga, umaandar talaga ito? hahaha, just kidding. Must be a fun ride :)

Inside Cambodia

Gattina said...

What a cute train !

Chie Wilks said...

what a pretty train! i wanna ride...!

my entry:
grab a glass

Photo Cache said...

How cute. Mapasyalan nga yang Zoobic na yan pag nakauwi.

JunieRose2005 said...

Love it!! :)

I have one this time!


Gen said...

Looks cute...happy MYM!

Mine is here

Kim, USA said...

I like the name Zoobic ^_^


Mel_Cole said...

Wow, how I wish I could me and my son could ride in one of those. My Yellow Monday

Vinni said...

I've sat in one of them as a kid, its real fun. Thanks for sharing

Jazzbumpa said...

Now, THAT is a wild yellow ride.

Thanks for the visit.


Cildemer said...

So cute!
Must be great fun to ride on this one!

Happy day****

Yami said...

looks like a long jeep to me. :D

thanks for the visit too. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Looks like a wild ride!