Tuesday, August 21, 2012

F/ABC Wednesday

This is my 12-year old niece, Jaysel, framed in forked branches at the beach of the famed Punta Bulata.  This fledgling model lost her footing and almost fell into the water.  Clearly, the stub of the coconut tree was not a favorable stage to strike a pose. :p

Linking to ABC Wednesday


Gemma Wiseman said...

Dramatic beautiful scene! Love all the silhouette shapes and the gorgeous colour of the sky!

Come Away With Me said...

It's a beautiful and colorful photo - finely fashioned!

Carver said...

Fantastic framing of your niece. Such beautiful colors and I love the branches as well as your niece. When I was young we used to strike poses on fragile spots to accidentally on purpose fall into the water.

Roger Owen Green said...

fine image!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh thanks God she didn't fell. Lovely shot.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Jama said...

That is one stunning photo! you composed it beautifully.

MaR said...

Fab framing and what a fantastic shot!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

your leader photo, in Sarawak, pig farmers use them to feed pigs.

Lisa said...

Gorgeous silhouette! The colors in the sky and water are beautiful. I really like how you took the shot at a little bit of an angle for a more dramatic effect.

Rajesh said...

Absolutely marvelous.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pic, Miranda! As long as your niece can swim:)
Have a question about your header: what beautiful plant is this? Not a waterlily, is it?

joanne said...

super pic! and dear....

ZielonaMila said...

Beautiful photograph, fantastic colours. I am greeting

caijsa said...

The atmosphere in your photo is just so beautiful and lovely colours.

kaia from Finland