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Santan, Ixora coccinea, Jungle Flame |
Locally known as Santan, Ixora coccinea is an erect, smooth ornamental shrub, growing to the height of 2 to 3 meters. Flowers come in yellow, pink, red, orange and white. A native of India, it is cultivated here for ornamental purposes. Roots, flowers, stems and flowers are also used in folkloric medicine---roots used as a sedative in the treatment of nausea, hiccups and loss of appetite. It has antiseptic properties and flowers are considered as antimicrobial and used for dysentery and leucorrhea. Poulticed fresh leaves and stems are applied to sprains, eczema and contusions. Diluted tincture of roots for mouthwash and gargles for sore throat. Flower decoction is used to treat hypertension, amenorrhea and irregular menstruation.
Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that. ~ Ally Condie